Becoming an Expat Saved My Life

Drew Ford
4 min readSep 23, 2020

One flight made all the difference in the world

Photo by C. Cagnin from Pexels

I simply remember the lights. Bright red and flashing without any understanding of what had just occurred. As the comprehension began to creep back into my mind, I realized what had happened to me. I was sucker punched in the face, and did it ever hurt…

I saw the faces of the elementary school students I worked with at the time. Staring at the dark puffy, swollen face that had been bashed in a few weeks before. I could see their concern for their mentor.

A much needed change was in order. The incident that occurred at a dive bar late into a Saturday evening was the bottom of the barrel for me.

My life had taken a turn for the worst, with anxiety, depression, alcoholism, and crude behavior becoming my identity. There was nowhere to go at that point but up.

Most redemption stories begin with the hero hitting rock bottom, only to climb out of the darkness, with a new purpose and objective.

Taking a risk I never imagined possible, changed my life forever. It was my road to recovery of life. A life that had slipped away.

A New Land

South Korea was a place of mystery to me, completely unknown, filled with uncertainty.



Drew Ford

12-year middle school teacher and new administrator in the Bay Area. An immense believer in the power of confidence. My message is clear: Invest in yourself!